Armageddon what a party:

Dear Dr. Brilliant Cliché,

Do you think that the profit from catastrophic news actually fuels the occurrence of other catastrophes? For example- school shooters get widespread attention in headline news… and the woman who killed her boyfriend sold the movie rights to her story. The Zumba aerobics instructor who ran a prostitute ring is already in negotiations for a movie contract!


Dear WTF,

For some people the profit from catastrophe is a great incentive; for others it is not. There are those who could justify any heinous act for 5 minutes of attention. Copycat catastrophes are the direct result of media coverage. But the biggest problem caused by the constant reporting of the worst of human behavior is the sense of hopelessness and apathy that the 14 to 28 year old segment of the population is experiencing. “Why bother? Live for the moment! Who gives a F__k!”

My generation grew up with the prevailing threat of nuclear war but our cultural myth was that we would regroup bigger and stronger to carry on the American way. I don’t think that this new generation expects to survive. They welcome Armageddon. As George Carlin said, “ I want front seats. It will be a great show.”

I believe the anticipation of anarchy can help to bring about anarchy. The media gives us the impression that it is already occurring so why not join in? Hell, some people even believe the bible foretold it so it is necessary for their salvation.

Yes, there is big money in profiteering off fear and anxiety, ignorance and gossip.

Dr. Brilliant Cliché

Granny says: if you build it, they will come. Let’s assume that this glib axiom from Field of Dreams is true. If so, the media is building a circus of freaks.

The world is a big place, and it is becoming so overpopulated that I think we all feel like grains of sand on a vast beach, with no chance of distinguishing ourselves through respectable means. If you get up on a tower and shoot a bunch of people, you will get noticed. But only a sociopath would see this as a real achievement.

I think that the media provides psychopaths with a ready stage. However, I do not think that a healthy personality would ever consider taking this stage as the route to stardom. We can’t blame the news for the fact that there are screwed up people, because people were screwed up long before the news was on. But I do wish to hell that Lifetime would stop making movies of the week that feature the antics of nut cases. It sure doesn’t do anything to discourage them.

Is our current crowd of youth just waiting for Armageddon? I don’t think so. I know and work with quite a few people in the 14 to 28 year old segment of the population and although there is the usual percentage who would be happy to do nothing but play video games until their back yard becomes Ground Zero, there are also a very large percentage with hopes and dreams for the future. Dr. Brilliant sees more than his share of dysfunctional young people. But there is still a very large world outside of the therapy offices, and there is still a passion for life that lives within us all. It’s the only explanation I can find for those off-key, juggling hopefuls who wait 10 hours in the rain to audition for America’s got Talent.

About Dr. Brilliant Cliché

Dr. Brilliant Cliché and the Granny Dr. are a fictional web presence and advice blog. Together we offer a joint perspective that is deep but not academic, entertaining but not fluff, and educated yet street smart. By joining the internet community we hope to share thoughts and stimulate insightful conversation around pressing issues that affect us all. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. (This is not a site for therapy nor does it intend to replace medical or other professional care. ) You can leave comments here or email The Dr. at and don’t forget to like us on facebook. Our facebook page is Dr. Brilliant Cliche
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1 Response to Armageddon what a party:

  1. The problem with catastrophic news is that it is only half the truth. It is one interpretation of what the “present moment” is and that is certainly where we are “hard-wired” to function. (Just ask those who have been teaching Eastern Meditation practices for 2000 years.) The problem with these news horror stories is that they ignore something else we are destined to do. And that is serve each other. From doctors, therapists, taxi drivers, bar tenders and trash collectors, it really doesn’t matter. What’s really important is to do what you do better and better. No excuses, no slackers. As far as any books that claim any kind of authority on any topic, these books were written by people who may or may not have been practicing a keen sense of discernment at the time of writing. The readers of these books must deem themselves just as worthy of prudent discernment.


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